
Showing posts from August 25, 2018

How to use neworkd instead of NetworkManager on ubuntu 18.04 desktop

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 0 down vote favorite I'm looking for the correct way of configuring the network with static IP on Ubuntu Desktop 18.04, but from the command line and not the GUI. Thank you networking network-manager 18.04 systemd-networkd share | improve this question asked May 19 at 17:07 Carlos Estrada 142 2 2 9 add a comment  |  up vote 0 down vote favorite I'm looking for the correct way of configuring the network with static IP on Ubuntu Desktop 18.04, but from the command line and not the GUI. Thank you networking network-manager 18.04 systemd-networkd share | improve this question asked May 19 at 17:07 Carlos Estrada 142 2 2 9 add a comment  |  up vote 0 down vote favorite up vote 0 down vote favorite I'm looking for the correct way of configuring the network with static IP on Ubuntu Desktop 18.04, but fr...

Compiling source into a DEB package

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 29 down vote favorite 9 I have always had a problem installing and removing compiled software, so I have decided I would like to build software from source into a .deb package for easier installation/removal. I would like to know of an easy and short way to build source into a .deb package, as an end user . I have tried: ubucompilator, which did not work for me This how to guide, but I found it too long packaging deb install-from-source checkinstall share | improve this question edited Nov 3 '12 at 4:16 Mechanical snail 3,681 3 21 39 asked May 23 '12 at 3:58 Ashu 6,453 3 27 56 1 Ubucompilator is an interesting project, and I applaud their efforts to date. However, as you discovered, it only provides a GUI front-end to four or five low-level commands. And, NO, you can not use it to easily create a proper '.deb' package. – david6 May 23 '12 at 7:11 add ...