
Showing posts from August 26, 2018

Ubuntu16.04 LTS gets stuck in login interface after installing mujoco-py

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 0 down vote favorite My mouse and keyboard didn't response when entering the log in interface. My laptop is ThinkPad T470, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (with windows), got the kernel 4.13.0-41-generic,4.13.0-36-generic, Graphics card Nividia GeForce 940 MX. After installed ubuntu 16.04, I installed Cuda 9.2 following the official installation guidance, and the example works well. After that, I installed the Anaconda3, also I tried the example successfully. After this, I created the conda create --name gymlab pthon=3.5 . Then, I installed mujoco 150pro and run the example successfully. My laptop can reboot successfully every time so far by now. After that, I installed the mujoco_py and run the example as well, it works well. But when I reboot this time, the ubuntu just freezed at the login interface, and my mouse and keyboard doesn't work at all. I can't even try ctrl + alt + F1 . How can I fix this? I want to install the openAI gym an...

Standard method to create virtual wireless interface, bridge to connect and host AP on Ubuntu Server

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 0 down vote favorite I'm aware there are numerous tools to create and manage network interfaces like ifconfig and NetworkManager. I want to know what standard tools that Server comes preinstalled with and how I can do the following, installing the least additional packages possible: connect to WiFi SSID0 on default interface wlan0 create virtual wireless interface wlan1 create and broadcast SSID1 from wlan1 create virtual bridge br0 for wlan1 and share internet from SSID0 to it What existing tools can I use to do the above and what more do I need to install? For instance, I'm sure I need to install hostapd to create SSID1 , but there might be alternatives I'm not aware of. networking server 18.04 wireless-access-point share | improve this question asked May 17 at 13:48 Oxwivi 4,002 42 113 181 add a comment  |  up vote 0 down vote favorite I'm aware there are num...

How to get privileged (permissions) access for our app on Ubuntu?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote -1 down vote favorite I'm a developer and new to Linux. I coded a Jframe Java program which performs File (create, delete, read, write, mkdir) operations. It works fine on windows, but not Linux. My program does not have permission to read and write files or to create directories. How do I give permissions to our own developed program on Linux? permissions java share | improve this question edited May 17 at 14:26 Martin Thornton 2,385 4 17 30 asked May 17 at 13:54 Dinesh Kumar 1 2 sudo filename or sudo ./filename – Yoran Jansen May 17 at 13:57 2 Create files/directories where exactly? Your app has the permissions of the user it's running as. – dobey May 17 at 14:43 1 To the sudo enthusiasts: I wouldn't so easily suggest the sudo sledgehammer and let the program run with root permissions. If the progra...