
Showing posts from August 19, 2018

Convert Text Books to Audiobooks?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 0 down vote favorite I know that there are services, such as Zamzar that will convert a file type such as ebpub to an audio format such as an mp3. Is there such software on Ubuntu systems? pdf convert epub share | improve this question asked Jun 6 at 1:13 Sarah Szabo 347 4 16 What is ebpub ? Do you mean epub ? – L. D. James Jun 6 at 1:31 text to audio via a synthetic voice is possible (I did it years ago using tools on GNU/Linux), but a pdf ( xml file) is converted to text (removing formatting), fed into a voice synthesizer spitting out the ogg/mp3 file. it was quick & easy; but the synth voice used wasn't the most pleasing to hear... these tools though are (or were) standard. i never tried epub & don't know if its format is easily converted – guiverc Jun 6 at 1:46 add a comment  |  ...

In what year is The Beach set?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 6 down vote favorite In The Beach (2000), a lost Leonardo DiCaprio classic, couple of young adults swim to a paradise island for adventure. I tried to figure out what year the plot is set. The movie was released in 2000 and throughout the movie you can hear various electronic dance music songs from the mid to late 90s. Was the plot set in 90s? Has anyone read the book, does it mention the year? Anyway, I assume it's set in the 90s, because at the beginning you can see The Simpsons scene running in the back and The Simpsons came out in late 80s. So maybe late 80s/90s? the-beach share | improve this question edited Aug 7 at 15:05 Napoleon Wilson ♦ 40.8k 31 247 473 asked Aug 7 at 14:44 user3108268 76 5 1 Since the novel was published in 1996 and the movie came out in 2000 we can safely assume it's set in the early/mid-90s – Paulie_D Aug 7 at ...

KDE Dolphin: How to change the current directory by code in the folder pane?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 1 down vote favorite I'd like to have a dolphin (KDE 4.13.3) service menu with that I can change the current opened folder/directory to another one. To be more precisely, I want to go directly to the real path/target of a link folder. The code itself is quite simple: cd "$(realpath %f)" Well, it changes the current directory but it does not open it in the folder pane. How can I manage that? Is there a way anyway? kubuntu kde dolphin share | improve this question edited Jun 6 at 19:56 asked Jun 6 at 1:44 Jens 68 9 Typing f="tmp"; cd $(realpath $f) in to the terminal pane of a dolphin window causes the folder pane to change to the specified folder for me. Is that what you're trying to do? [Dolphin 17.04.3, KDE Framework 5.44] – pbhj Jun 6 at 2:44 No, sorry, but thanks anyway. "$f" is used as a placeholder for the currently (single) s...