Ubuntu Development version / How to participate
Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 12 down vote favorite 1 Questions about the Ubuntu Development version Background AskUbuntu is dedicated to helping users with the current released versions of standard Ubuntu and Ubuntu community flavours (Kubuntu, Lubuntu ... Xubuntu). Still, we may want to try the next Ubuntu version live and/or install it, and we may need to interact with other people about it. Questions How can I participate or get help with the Ubuntu Development Version? In April 2018 'Bionic' was released as 18.04 LTS and in July 2018 the first point release as 18.04.1 LTS, and we look forward to the next version. In October 2018 'Cosmic' will be released as 18.10. When should I upgrade if I want a smooth ride (and get help here at AskUbuntu)? iso bug-reporting launchpad development testing share | improve this question edited Jul 27 at 4:11 asked Mar 21 at 18:17 sudodus 20.2k 3 26 67 Sorry f...