
Showing posts from September 13, 2018

How to create a website that can be accessed via Domain Name - Ubuntu Web Server Domain Names

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 0 down vote favorite Pretty new to Ubuntu Web server. Been playing around with Ubuntu Web server. I have managed to get a website running and accessible to the outside world via port forward on my public IP address. I want to host multiple different website and have domain names instead of IP address to browse to the website, I understand I need to assign domain names - Anyone able to assist with this or guide me in the right direction? server dns webserver domain-server ubuntu-website share | improve this question edited Apr 12 at 5:22 asked Apr 12 at 4:47 Davidhd27 1 1 Hi mate, that is about port forwarding etc which I can get working. I want to publish the site via domain name - need help for this part from the start, ie creating a name server etc. – Davidhd27 Apr 12 at 5:12 Don't do your own DNS server. Get a dynamic dns from e.g.

Can a department renege on a student's “guaranteed funding”?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 26 down vote favorite 1 I was admitted to a PhD program last year with guaranteed funding for 4 years. The funding offer was structured as a fellowship for the first year and an assistantship thereafter. I'm done with my first year now, and I will be on an assistantship from this semester onwards. I was asked to sign a contract which states "although we will be able to renew the assistantship in most cases, renewals are contingent upon the availability of funds". Given my initial admission offer guaranteed funding, while this new contract is a bit more ambiguous, which of these contracts will hold? Is it possible that the grad school will renege on the assistantship citing a lack of funds? This is quite concerning to me, and I would appreciate any advice on this issue. graduate-school funding united-states share | improve this question edited Aug 8 at 18:52 Peter Mortensen 284 2 6 asked Aug 8 a...