Fix gnome-terminal tab colours
Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 0 down vote favorite I wanted to change gnome-terminal tab colours (16.04, Unity) so that they are more like firefox tab colors (black when inactive, grey when active). Based on some suggestions, I made in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/ TerminalWindow .notebook tab:active background-color: #dfdbd2; color: #3c3b37; TerminalWindow .notebook tab background-color: #3c3b37; /* color: #dfdbd2; */ color: #ff0000; But the inactive font colour is different from my specified value and I now can barely see the inactive tab text. I have possibly changed configuration files elsewhere (global theme configuration files??) and forgotten - could someone point out which configuration files are really relevant? gnome-terminal share | improve this question edited May 8 at 7:42 asked May 8 at 7:28 Valentas 340 2 9 add a comment  | up vote 0 down vote favorite I wanted to change gno...