
Showing posts from August 23, 2018

Lubuntu 18.04 and Windows 8.1 dual boot, cannot delete files in windows from Linux

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 0 down vote favorite On a dual boot laptop with Windows 8.1 and Lubuntu 18.04, Partitions C and D are on the same HDD. I can see the D folder under the name Data in /media, and I can access every single file, but I cannot delete nor add anything to it. If I access it from the Lubuntu GUI file manager, it says that permissions are set to anyone. If I check their permissions with ls -lah I see they are all 777, but I still can't delete anything because it says that it is a read-only file system. I even tried mounting the /media to a folder in /opt but it says that it's not a block device (simple mount device). After that I tried the "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o rw /dev/sda6 /opt/d/" it returned Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened. The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command. Any id...

Change application volume from terminal

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 1 down vote favorite 2 Is there a way to change individual application volumes from the terminal? I found a way to change the master volume which is amixer -D pulse sset Master 50% but I would like to be able to change volumes for individual applications like is possible in pavucontrol . My usage would be for scripting. sound pulseaudio share | improve this question edited Apr 13 '17 at 12:24 Community ♦ 1 asked Feb 23 '15 at 4:16 AkBKukU 152 1 2 14 Depends on the application. Look into man <application> – Jacob Vlijm Feb 23 '15 at 7:03 I don't want to change the in application volume, I want to change the pulseaudio volume level for any application. For example, skype, which has no runtime parameters. – AkBKukU Feb 23 '15 at 15:08 add a comment  |  up vot...